I had a thumb through the Guinness Book of Records 1997 while packing up a…

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Tom Derrick -

I had a thumb through the Guinness Book of Records 1997 while packing up a bookcase, which has a page devoted to juggling. I can do more research than was possible in an internetless house in rural England in the late 90s.

I looked up Francois Chotard, who held (holds?) the record for most balls spun on one hand. It's quite a contraption he had, one which I thought others here might enjoy.

The Void - - Parent

This simultaneously reminds me of an Indian(?) guy who had the record for the world's longest fingernails, and Sean Blue.

mike.armstrong - - Parent

I'd forgotten all about him - he used to be a regular at EJCs around the millennium. His rug was about as natural as his prop! I wonder what happened to him?

DavidCain - - Parent

He passed away a few years ago.


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