Bzercus finally closed its doors yesterday: 30/5/2017. It ran continually for some 25 years, always at the same venue, but now, due mainly to falling membership, but also in part because of ever increasing gymnasium rental, the club has now ceased to exist. Our best wishes to all who have juggled with us over the years. A sad time, but we had become no longer financially viable, and had depressingly few remaining members. Any remaining assets will be converted to cash and given to The Christie hospital charity, a hospital that did much to extend and amplify the life of our founding member: Jim Beswick.
Shutdown Dates
Bzercus will NOT be meeting on the following dates:
miércoles, 31 mayo 2017 to sábado, 31 mayo 3017 - I am afraid that after a long run of 25 years, the club finally closed, for ever, last night. falling membership and increasing room rentals.