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Jongleer Collectief Limburg Juggling club listings > PaĆses Bajos
This information was imported from the IJDb back in 2012. It has not been through the usual Edge validation processes and there may be information missing. Are these details correct? If not please let us know .
Where: Gebr. Hennenstraat, Heerlen, Limburg, Netherlands
When: Every Friday 19:30 to 22:00
Website: http://www.jongleercollectief.nl
Cost: First time free
Nearest neighbours Jongleer Collectief - 1.1 km / 0.7 miles Kardinaal van Rossumplein 99. La Bellettsa.(maastricht) /Meezenbroekerweg 5(heerlen)Polichinelle - 45.2 km / 28.1 miles Rue des Wallons 59, 4000 Liège, BelgiumCirque RCAE - 48.4 km / 30.1 miles Complexe du blanc gravier, Sart-Tilman, Liège, BelgiqueRheinErftJuggling e.V. - 69 km / 42.9 miles Neuss, Nordrhein-Westfalen, GermanyCircus Jongleers - 85 km / 52.8 miles Secretaris L. Jansenstraat 5, Best, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands