Berlin Juggling Convention | Berliner Jonglier Convention

All juggling events in 2011
Juggling events in Alemania‎, 2011


jueves, 23 junio 2011 to domingo, 26 junio 2011


FEZ Wuhlheide | An der Wuhlheide 197 | Berlin


This is Berlin Juggling Convention event.

Other events that happened at Berlin Juggling Convention | Berliner Jonglier Convention

Fight Night Combat Tournament



1te Berline Jonglier Convention 2011

Preise, Anmeldung und weitere Informationen demnächst auf der Webseite

Im Preis enthalten:
4 Tage Jonglieren
3x Frühstück
3x Zelten am Sandstrand
2x Show (Open Stage und Galashow)
und vieles mehr


11th Berlin Juggling Convention

prices, registration and further information in a few weeks on the website

Included in the registration fee:
4 days of juggling
3x breakfast
3x camping at the beach
2x Show (Open Stage and Public Show)
and much more

Who went

Berlin Juggling Convention | Berliner Jonglier Convention elsewhere on the Edge

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