French Juggling Convention at Bigoud'N Jongle

All juggling events in 2011
Juggling events in Francia‎, 2011


domingo, 10 julio 2011 to domingo, 17 julio 2011


Vezin le Coquet (near Rennes, France)


This is AFJ event.


This year, the French Juggling Convention will be in Rennes, from July
10th to 17th.

It will only cost 60€ on pre-reg, 70 there for the whole week.

The line up is almost complete, with Komei, Alexander Kulakov, Pavel
Evsukevitch, Alexander Koblykov, Patrik Elmnert, Stefan Sing, Luke Burrage, a specially made show by 11 jugglers from the Gandini Project,
Brecken, Joona and Eljas, De Fracto, Etienne Chauzy, Guillaume Karpowicz,
Neta Oren, Jonas Beauvais, Cyrille Humen, Karl Stets, Zoolians, and
several street compagnies.

A lot of animations as well such as a trip to the sea in Saint Malo for
pre-registered people, the international juggling media festival, juggling
olympics (team games), hooper's convention as well.

And as usual, traditional food, traditional Fest-Noz, and plenty of

Meet you there!

Who went

French Juggling Convention at Bigoud'N Jongle elsewhere on the Edge

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