Slovenski Akro FEstival - SAFE

(SAFE to its friends)

All juggling events in 2018
Juggling events in Eslovenia‎, 2018


viernes, 21 septiembre 2018 to domingo, 23 septiembre 2018


Policijska Akademija Tacen, 1211 Ljubljana, Slovenia




+Ponosno predstavljava že četrto izvedbo edinega Slovenskega Akro FEstivala - SAFE.
Tudi letos bova pripeljala akro učitelje mednarodnega slovesa in izkušenj.
Prav tako bodo poleg akrojoge(partner akrobatike) na voljo tudi delavnice arial silka, slackline in ostalih cirkuških veščin.

Osnovna cena za festival je 70€.
Enodnevna(sob ali ned) je 40€.
Spanje v 4posteljnih sobah v domu 10€/noč.
Zajtrk 5€, Kosilo 6€.

Prijave tule



+We proudly present 4th edition of our Slovenian Acro FEstival - SAFE.
Like previous years we will bring you worldwide famous international acro teachers.
We will focus most on acro skills but there will also be some workshops for arial silk, slackline and rest of cirkus skills.

Basic festival ticket is 70€.
One day ticket is 40€.
Sleeping in 4beds dorm room is 10€/night.
Breakfast 5€, lunch 6€.

Apply via this link

Who went

SAFE elsewhere on the Edge

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