"Make Juggling Easier" a Three Day Workshop

All juggling events in 2004
Juggling events in Dinamarca‎, 2004


jueves, 24 junio 2004 to sábado, 26 junio 2004


Det Blå Hus (The Blue House) Oddervej 80, 8230 Højbjerg (Århus)




A 16 hour workshop for anyone who wishes to become a better club juggler - The main aim to to make juggling easier - too many hours have been wasted practicing with bad technique.
Mainly the workshop will deal with three club juggling, Focusing on technique, tricks, sequences, routines and a bit of siteswap and state diagrams.

Price 400 danish kroner (around €53) - it is possible to sleep at the Blue House too. (and juggle all night)

The workshop is a part of Narren Circus Festival so there
will be lots of possibilities to see inspiring shows
thursday, friday and saturday evening as well as the
entire sunday.

Preregistration before tuesday the 15th of june is
necessary as there are limited spaces. So please call
or mail your preregistration to Ruth Morell at
(+45) 51 57 50 19

Questions can be asked to Jon at:
or call (+45) 61 77 35 82
if you have preregistered you are also welcome to send
ideas to what YOU would like to learn more about in
the workshop, as it will make the preparations easier.

More about the teachers see:
Jon: http://www.juggler.dk
Palle: http://www.mr-toons.dk

Who went

"Make Juggling Easier" a Three Day Workshop elsewhere on the Edge

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