All upcoming juggling events
Upcoming juggling events in Suiza
29 days to go!
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domingo, 30 marzo 2025, 10:00 to 20:00
The Swiss Movement Jam is a public multisport jam in a large triple gym in Bern Neufeld - ZSSW.
We start at 10:00 o'clock with a large warmup!
Come and join us for a Sunday of movement! Besides the large jam, there will be a couple of workshops too.
To cover the cost of the gym we will have a donation box.
Please register so we can keep you updated:
We will have short and long slacklines and rodeo lines, several acrobatics-longes, aerial silks/ropes/rings, lots of mats and space for flow arts, juggling and whatever else you have in mind!
We will collect all the workshops onsite in the morning on a whiteboard. If you would like to give a workshop you’re very welcome to do so and pass on your passion to others! Teaching at this event is not compensated, the event is open to all levels and free of charge for everyone. Workshop duration will be 1h.
The location ZSSW Bern Neufeld is only a few bus stops from the train station and can easily be reached by public transport. There are blue zone parkings and a parking house (Neufeld P+R) nearby.
Lets move together!