Started juggling 1975-04-03
Currently I am presenting juggling/performance workshops around the world and hundreds of jugglers are benefiting. In 2011 I brought my workshop to Australia and New Zealand and worked with my jugglers. Read more here:
Learn of the workshop here:
I would love to do a workshop near you. Please contact me at and let's work out the details.
Kit Summers has had a tumultuous life, traveling from being one of the top jugglers in the world to lying in a coma for more than a month, learning to speak and walk all over again, passing through a failed marriage, run down by a truck the second time and finally emerging as a successful motivational speaker. He has learned to turn adversity into opportunity. Now let Kit teach you how to do the same thing in your own life—FIND SUCCESS!
I rose to great heights as a world-class juggler.
Then fell face-down to the earth through the aforementioned accident and subsequent 37-day coma.
Then rose again with the writing and publishing of my first book, Juggling with Finesse, and starting my fresh salsa business.
Fell back down after getting hit by a truck—the second time.
Up again by starting work on this book to help you.
Back down when put in jail for a month on a false charge (which was dismissed.)
Ascended once again, traveling throughout the world to see and experience new things.
Up-down, up-down.
Join me on my roller-coaster ride as I bring your life to higher levels.
The Long of it
For over 30 years, Kit Summers has used his skills and experience to become one of America’s foremost educators in the field of performing, juggling, and personal achievement. This, along with entertaining and speaking worldwide, as well as writing four books.
Kit first took up juggling because of his love of things different and unusual. Learning to juggle in 1975, at the age of 15, Kit knew early this is what he wanted to do for his life’s work. After winning first place on “The Gong Show” at the young age of 16, one of the next things Kit did was he taught juggling and performing at Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Clown College at the young age of 18.
Kit went on to perform around the world and achieved the position of “featured performer” at Ballys Park Place Casino in Atlantic City. Performing at Ballys , he was doing 2 shows a night, 6 days a week, about 15 minutes a show. So, Kit was working about 30 minutes a day, doing something he loved, and paid very well for it! Kit was always working on and trying new and better things in the show, from juggling tricks to comedy routines.
At this point, Kit’s juggling was at a high level and he was trying to master juggling 7 clubs, a world record at the time. This would be the same as the first person to run a four minute mile, or pole-vaulting 20 feet. Kit didn’t work on 7 clubs for publicity or fame, but as a personal challenge to see how far he could take his juggling. He got a run of 30 throws with 7 clubs and knew that he could improve on this trick. The juggling of 7 clubs was witnessed by a number of people.
Juggling and performing were such a joy for Kit. Getting paid to do what he loved to do was more than he could ever have hoped for. Becoming a featured performer at Ballys was a starting point on his way toward stardom, who knows how far he was going to go with his performing.
While on the way to the show at Ballys one rainy night, Kit paused before leaving the parking lot, shelter, before fighting the wind and the rain to get to the casino for the performance. Atlantic City has not seen such a rainstorm in some time, shrouding street lights and stop signs in a shiny blur, it was even hard to see across the street. Kit was crossing the busiest street when, suddenly, out of the downpour from behind a sheet of rain, a truck is on the scene. “There is no time to get out of the way!” The collision was inevitable. Kit was thrown onto the hood of the truck, broke the windshield with his head, rolled off to the side and tore off the side mirror with his body, then he laid in a crumpled heap 30 feet away from the truck.
After 37 days asleep, Kit slowly emerged from his coma. Slowly coming back at first, when he awoke he had to learn to do everything once again, including eating, talking, walking, and of course, juggling. Although he knew “how” to do these tasks in his mind, the connections from his brain to his nervous system had to be reestablished.
The lessons that Kit learned during his recovery are an inspiration to us all. Since the accident, Kit learned to juggle again, which surprised everyone – especially his doctors. Also, he has written four books, started three businesses, and speaks to groups around the world on the subject of personal and professional growth. Millions have heard Kit’s story.
Then, if you can believe it, this entrepreneur went on to start a successful company making fresh salsa. Anyone could have done it--Kit did. From juggling to salsa, who would ever imagine. Thousands of salsa were sold to many happy eaters.
In April of 2010 Kit was riding his bike. A nice sunny day, smiling as he peddled. Suddenly, a truck was coming toward him and got into the left hand lane. His mind reeled, thinking, “No, not again!” As the truck smashed through Kit his clavicle, knee and three ribs were broken. Once again, in the hospital and rehab for months.
About eights months after Kit was hit by the truck, he was at home doing office work. The doorbell rang and he was surprised to see a local officer at the door. This officer said, “Kit, I have to take you in to appear before the judge. Then Kit was placed in the back of the police car. He was told that his next door neighbor and told the police that Kit had threatened to shoot him with a gun. Of course, he had no gun. He was put in jail where he had to spend a month of his life. You can read all about this in book three of Kit’s series.
Then, about eight months later, Kit was able to get away and drove across the US, then flew to Australia for a month, then went to New Zealand for a month. The whole way he had set up juggling/performance workshops, helping jugglers to advance.
Focus next went to his book series, helping you to go beyond your potential. Kit is available to meet with you, to speak with your group and provide solutions and advancement.
For the future more books are planned, more travel throughout the world, and Kit will find more and more ways to help you reach the top.
Learn more at
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