First practice back from break

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Mike Moore -

First practice back from break

And what a practice it was. I had a bit of a back injury (nothing that'll last, but enough to take me out of juggling for a week) and today was the first day I could go crazy, as long as I wasn't bouncing my torso vertically or torquing it much. Lots of 7 ball juggling, some dots practice, and a very happy Mike.

So darn close to getting an acceptable glimpse of inline 4.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Update: got my first tiny bit of inline 4. Ahhh!

7b_wizard - - Parent

Looked like it would go on, like not much missing.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Thanks! I'm hoping to get a longer run when my technical level catches up.

Orinoco - - Parent

Also looks like you could go further over for a crossed arm pattern or does that limit your range of motion too much?

Mike Moore - - Parent

I've worked on and off with cross armed dots. I don't think it's too crazy, probably a 2-4 week pattern if I get to training it consistently.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Recorded a short run of cross-armed dots:

5balls - - Parent

Damn it :( Wrote a longish post about the slight hand change and asking about the usefullness of a movement notation system such as Eshkol-Wachmann for juggling and than my mobile said to log in again and the post was lost... anyway, anyone interested in this particular topic anyway? Should probably open a new thread for this topic anyway.

Mike Moore - - Parent

That topic pops up from time to time. I think something like that could be useful, but I'm not completely convinced that it could be. There are so few very ubiquitous forms in juggling...

Or maybe I'm mixing up cause and effect, and the REASON there aren't common, deeper body dynamics in juggling is because we don't have that kind of notation in common use.

5balls - - Parent

I'm also not convinced yet how useful it is, on the other hand apart from your style of juggling tricks maybe it could be interesting for the notation of juggling tricks like Lauge Benjaminsen or Andrew Olson and then of course playing around with the notation to create new tricks. I've learned since, that there are already some more descriptive approaches for juggling like the "Body Throw Notation" (in its original form and I think Luke Burrage extended it a bit) and the Mills Mess state notation both of which I should look into first. I think Eshkol-Wachmann can be very accurate but may be to complicated to be used by more than a few geeks. I think I will try to learn all different notations and use them for a bit to form an opinion about their usefullness ;)

Mike Moore - - Parent

"I think I will try to learn all different notations and use them for a bit to form an opinion about their usefullness ;)"

I'm very interested in hearing your conclusions on this!

7b_wizard - - Parent

I can't even do that without balls  ;oD

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Really amazing Mike - again pushing the boundaries. Do you think you’ll be able to run this? It looks a little like an abacus, all four balls impossibly in the same column.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Thanks! I do think I'll be able to run it, maybe in about a year. I'm slowly getting stronger with one hand higher than the other in dots.


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